Sunday, November 3, 2013

What Can I Offer?

       To many times, I find myself thinking about how I could be happier. If I lived here, would I be happier? If I worked here, would I be happier? If I dated him, would I be happier? If they were my friends, would I be happier? There are so many things wrong with my way of thinking. When my happiness is dependent on places, people, and things around me, I set myself up for failure and disappointment. People will fail us. No matter how good of people they are, they are only human.
      True happiness and satisfaction cannot be found in mere humans, or any earthly thing. Joy, satisfaction, and peace are found when we choose to complete the love connection with God, the King of kings. Once we are filled with true joy, peace, and satisfaction from the relationship we have with our God, we are free to simply love. We do not need to rely on others around us, or our circumstances to be happy.
      As I prepare for this week, I refer back to some quotes I heard from pastor Brady Boyd at the Desperation Conference last year. I will begin each day with a simple prayer, "Lord, what are you doing today, and how can I cooperate?" As I walk through each day, I will ask myself, "how could I STRENGTHEN, ENCOURAGE, or COMFORT each person I come into contact with?" This week, I will ask myself, "what can I offer?" "What can I offer this person? What can I offer this campus? What can I offer this city? What can I offer this church? What can I offer this world?" I will not focus on what I can gain from others, but rather on what I can give to others.